“[S]he will come clad in blue”

Hayao Miyazaki’s Nausicaa, The Princess of the Valley of the Wind, offers a beautiful tale of a warrior woman and her journey to restore the balance between mankind and nature. Nausicaa is a warrior, she is strong and independent. She is also equally gentle, and calm. She is understanding of the importance of nature andContinue reading ““[S]he will come clad in blue””

Hop on Pop! Racism must STOP.

Cultural criticism, media influences, and Dr.Seuss Hi! Thanks for being here. Let’s get into it. I generally start my day unaware of my phone. I’ll leave it charging in another room, or in a bag, tucked between two couch cushions; I do this intentionally. When I finally get around to it, I’ll check the “latestContinue reading “Hop on Pop! Racism must STOP.”

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